Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Well Mohsin Naqvi, from him as i said in my web page that
"About Mohsin Naqvi, well he's a champ, u can read of him and tell me, that how is he? To me he just need one thing for improvement and that is nothing."
Anyway, that was some official type of comments of mine for him :) now lets get back to disscuss some unofficial. Few days back a wave of craze born into one of my friends Farhan about poetry and he ate up all of our brains that "Fahad i wanna read some good poetry of some good poets, please help me out." As far as my concern I think that internet now days is the most trustable companion to find any stuff on any topic of the world, but then the issue raised in my mind that Farhan is not use to with the internet so I must help him out manually. So I went to the market in search of some stuff. Initially I had some good poets in my mind to put my search on them but when I entered into the market I found myself very confusing, coz the market was full of all kinds of books and some un-countable number of poets, so after having a tough time in search I was able to find a good book in which many of my favorite poets were collected to made a beautiful and touching book of some of more than 400 pages, like Wasi Shah, Faiz Ahmed Faiz and Mohsin Naqvi. So I bought that and handed over to Farhan, as soon as he got that book into his hands, he goes like "Baba, yeh tum kia lay aya hai". Actually, I think that his stomach turned off by looking such a fat book :). Now as he's very much busy in reading that book I am thinking seriously that since the market has full of different poets but all of them seems to me waiting for some swing or miracle to come, I should write something and post of my own. I am sure that it will turn the market (not sure wheater up-side or down-side :)).

Anyway, some cool couplets of a Mohsin Naqvi's beautiful and one of my favorites Ghazal, be sure to read it completely from the Poetry corner in my own website...


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