A very sad end of the day.
Tonight I am going to tell u the story of
Chacha Bhogi.
Till tonight I also don't know of him, coz we never saw him around in our area, he told us that he lives in very famous Prince Appt. in our area. He really has a very sadistic story of his own life, the whole scene goes like that, when all of us were sitting at our daily meeting place, a man who was looking an age of around 70 years, he hardly had any teeth in his mouth and he was working his mouth regularly just like he was chewing some gum, he came and said "if u guys don't mind, can I sit at this table just for relaxation, I am so tired and now I don't feel like walking anymore" we allowed the old man happily. He was start talking to himself that this is his last night here. That was something which attracts our interest towards him.
I asked him "Why are u saying that?" he replied that "tomorrow morning I will leave this world and will goto
EDHI CENTER", and then he started to tell us his sad story.
His original name was something else, but he was calling himself
Bhogi coz his mother use to call him with this name.
Firstly he cleared that his not a mad, coz his dead father told him once in his life that whoever is walking naked in the streets and can hit a police mobile with a rock could be call as mad, not him, he told us that he is from
ISMAILI Community and married three times he was divorced once and his 2nd wife is dead and his third wife who was Hindu left him in punishment 7 years ago, coz she thinks that he is a brainsick peson. He has 3 married children, who are now running a restaurant in America and they sometimes call their grand ma, means Bhogi's mother to America but not even try to ask abt their father who just spends his whole day in his daily pocket money which is 5 Rs. He is living wid his mother and his son sends him monthly expense of 100$. In which he have to pay the utility bills and other daily expenses.
This is not it, when he told us impeccantly that he have to wash her mother cloths, wash dishes and cooking is also includes in his daily routine, he said I become so tired after all that. He told us that his age is 58 though he was looking of 70+. He told us that his son has many plots and houses sealed safely here in khi, but none of them is in his interest.
He was protesting against his own religion that is
ISMAILI, he said that the
AGHA KHAN who also after having dinner prays to the unseen GOD cant give me anything. And yes he said that GOD don't do marriage coz GOD is free of everything then how com
AGHA khan can be our GOD when he is continuously doing marriages and giving births. While talking all that he puts his hand into his pocket by saying that "Ab mai sutta lagaon ga", and then a lonely cigarette came out from his pocket, which he hardly lightened with his shaky hands. Darn we were watching him helplessly :(.
He said that he loves his mother that's why he is keep living wid her, but she don't love him, coz whenever she leaves to America on the call of her grand sons for sometime, she left him behind, but later when she comes back she start searching for his beloved son,
"huh This what she calls love???????".Damnit this is totally unfair. He told us that his mother likes the taste of brandy that's why she left him here to die. Everytime his mother lefts him behind he just don't find another way to go excepts
EDHI Foundation. So according to him that tomorrow she is leaving him again to America that is why "tonight I will go home late, woh bohat pareshan hogi aur mujhey acha lagay ga *smiles innocently*".
Goodness me, I can't write anymore :( its enough, I need a break
....*heads down*
Ok, after his story we all went quite, when I said ok Uncle Bhogi allow us to leave we will meet again inshahllah tomorrow night at the same time. He just looked at my face and said "No", we all forced him very much until he agreed that he won't leave for
EDHI center now, we just tried to awake some hope of life in him and guess what he agreed, I am very much satisfy with my soul right now.
In the end I must say that he was a clear Psycho and his son and his last wife help him to be. This is all their fault otherwise the 58 year old man could have stand at some better stage at this part of his life.
All I need u to do pray for him, and I will do it too.
May GOD helps him to find some better solution to live his life hopefully.
Adios World.