Sunday, January 04, 2004

Just another man!

Welldone! welldone damn it!
What do u think of urself, that its only u who who holds the rights to say truths? That was totally unfair what I did last night :(, i knew it and i know it but dont know what thing came over me and forced me to do that. I will not excuse u Irfan coz i knew that the day will have to come one day and yesterday was the day. I knew we will brake up like this, i knew that u will not have a patience to face the truths, i knew that u have many and great expectations from me. Me! a most common man on earth, i told u many a times that dear i am nothing dont expect that much from me, just realize me teh way i am, i the hack of me never fullfils anybody's expectations and i am no one but just another man.
As i told u many a times that Irfan now it dont cost me a lil thing to brake up and let go any one, coz its me who lost many things at each and every stage of life. Anyway, dont wanna be seriosu anymore, coz i noted it many a times that whenever i use to react liek serious, mu stomach start asking for some food and right now i already had my lunch and i know there is no chance for another meal before night. :)
Anyway, all in all i just know onething that by the loosing of friends and loved ones at any stages of life, life dont stops, it must go on all teh time and everytime. I observed it many a times in my life.
just Adios......

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